The series will be written and executive produced by Craig Mazin (HBO’s Chernobyl) and Neil Druckmann, of The Last of Us and Uncharted video game franchises.Ĭarolyn Strauss (HBO’s Chernobyland Game of Thrones) will also serve as executive producer, along with Evan Wells from the original game’s developer, Naughty Dog, and PlayStation Productions’ Asad Qizilbash and Carter Swan.Ĭheck back for more official updates about The Last of Us. Pedro Pascal ( The Mandalorian, Wonder Woman 1984) and Bella Ramsey (HBO’s His Dark Materialsand Game of Thrones) will star as Joel and Ellie. A live-action short film inspired by the world of The Last of Us perfectly recreates the franchises gut-wrenching environmental storytelling moments. What starts as a small job soon becomes a brutal, heartbreaking journey, as they both must traverse the U.S.
Joel, a hardened survivor, is hired to smuggle Ellie, a 14-year-old girl, out of an oppressive quarantine zone. The series takes place twenty years after modern civilization has been destroyed. The Last of Us, a series based on the critically acclaimed video game, is coming to HBO and HBOMax.