About Hoi4 (Hearts Of Iron 4) HOI4, as a video game by Paradox Interactive, has gone out of its way to give you the most authentic feeling when it comes to � The ~ key is usually below the Esc key and to the left of the 1 key. In Hoi4 Console Commands post we will cover all new DLC cheats and tips to make hearts of iron 4 optimize at best level. I literally spent my 2 days (I did some mods to eu4 before but hoi4 modding was bit different so i had some problems with it) I tried to make a great meme mod if you find some bugs just write them i'll fix it. Austria�Hungary, also known as theAustro-Hungarian Empireor theDual Monarchy, is a state in Central Europe ruled by the House of Habsburg in Vienna, constitutionally a monarchic union between the Crowns of theAustrian Empireand theKingdom of Hungary. form_coalition_against = FRA Encircled Units. About Hoi4 (Hearts Of Iron 4) HOI4, as a video game by Paradox Interactive, has gone out of its way to give you the most authentic feeling when it comes to fighting wars.It helps you think and develop your strategizing techniques. White Peace � Allows you to propose a white peace if the war is a stalemate (AI will usually accept if you declare war on them. 1.1 form_coalition_against The country to form against.